God’s Work, Our Hands

“God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday, the ELCA Day of Service is on September 12, 2021..

All congregations are invited to reach out into their neighborhoods to become God’s hands and feet, to serve those in need and to share God’s compassion with the world. God’s Work, Our Hands is an opportunity for everyone to intentionally invest time in service projects outside the walls of the church. Pick a project and prepare to serve others in the name of God’s love. If your congregation cannot participate on Sept. 12, please consider another day for your service activities.

For more information on “God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday, you can go to: www.elca.org/dayofservice

Planning and Publicity

Suggested Local Community Projects

  • Ramp Building
  • Health Kits: Health kits can be assembled for local, national and international ministries. If you are interested in providing health kits locally, contact groups in your area like like homeless shelters, domestic abuse shelters and family shelters who often use kits for new arrivals. If you are interested in sending kits nationally or internationally, you can find information on the Lutheran World Relief Quilts and Kits page.
  • Planning a work day at a local camp to do need repairs
  • Sewing Projects
  • Blood Drives
  • Take cookies or a meal to local first responders. If you are delivering cookies to first responders, here is a sample “Thank You” note could be included with the cookies: Note for Cookies to First Responders
  • Helping at Women’s Shelters
  • Collect food for a local food pantry
  • Yard Work for the Elderly
  • Repair Work at Group Homes
  • Health Fairs
  • Community Prayer Walk

Share the Good News!

When your congregation service is done, please email wertz@vasynod.org the information requested below with the subject line “Week Of Service Info”, so we can celebrate all that was accomplished across the Synod. Emailing pictures to wertz@vasynod.org imply permission to use photos in Virginia Synod publications, social media, and on vasynod.org. 

  1. Please list your project(s)
  2. How many people participated?
  3. How many people were helped?
  4. Share one wonderful story from the day.
  5. Share up to five pictures from the day.
  6. What is the email address of a good person to contact for follow up information about the “God’s Work, Our Hands” project?