Virginia Synod Congregations

As children of God and followers of Jesus, each of us is a part of the body of Christ and individually members of it. For the sake of God’s mission and ministry, God’s people gather together to share their gifts and to work together to share in God’s mission to love and bless the world. To strengthen our response to God’s love in Virginia, the 145 Lutheran congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) are joined together as the Virginia Synod.

You can see a list of congregations by using our Online Directory or check out the map below to find the congregation closest to you:

  • Congregations in the Call Process
    • The link above will take you to the list of congregations currently in the call process along with information on the status of their call process.
  • Congregation Conference Partnerships and Conference Deans
    • The link above will show the eleven conferences and 5 conference partnerships of the Virginia Synod.
  • ELCA Find a Congregation Tool
    • Use this tool to locate a congregation in a particular state, city, or town.
  • East-West Congregation Support Partnership
    • Our synod has created an East-West Partnership program – pairing congregations on the Eastern and Western sides of our commonwealth for potential support in the event of a disaster requiring evacuation to provide emergency housing and other forms of assistance.The listing below will give you specific partnerships and contact information. Consider reaching out to your partner congregation now to build a relationship so you’ll be ready when storms have been forecasted. While the partnership was created to help respond to disasters, this partnership is a wonderful opportunity to connect with another congregation to share prayer, presence, and resources.
  • Congregational Update Form
    • Use this form to provide updated contact and leadership information on your congregation.