LAUNCH is an event for youth who have just graduated from high school. Its purpose is to give you a chance to take stock of where your faith life has led you so far and also to provide an opportunity to engage in discussion on matters of faith and life that are likely to face you as you move on to the next stage of your life, whether it be the workforce, military or other public service, college, or something else.
If you are a veteran of our Virginia Synod ELCA Youth Events (Lost and Found, Winter Celebration, Kairos, etc.), you will find that this event is structured differently. We will spend our three full days together in a rhythm of worship, informal presentations to the whole group, small group discussions, and individual reflections that engage the mind as well as the spirit. Of course, there will be time for fellowship and relaxation and enjoyable meal times together.
All LAUNCH Participants must agree to the provisions of the LAUNCH Covenant (click here to read)
LAUNCH 2025 will take place in July. Details to come.
QUESTIONS about LAUNCH or the registration process should be directed to Synod Youth Director Dave Delaney (cell: 540-529-6893 /