Boundaries Education

In 2021, the Virginia Synod is providing both Racial Justice Boundaries Education (required module for 2021) and Basic Boundaries Education opportunities through a partnership with ELCA Region 9. Yearly Boundaries Education is required of all rostered ministers by the Synod’s Boundaries Education Policy and Sexual Misconduct Policy.

2025 Boundaries and Inclusion Education

Boundaries education, cultural competency and racial justice are gospel work – work that, as Rostered Ministers and leaders in the church, we are called to do.  Work that, as baptized Lutherans, we are called to do.  Work that, as children of God, we are called to do. We are all created in the image of God and are called “good,” and when creation and all the created are living harmoniously God calls it “very good”. Through the brokenness of our world and ourselves we stray from God’s intention for us and all the created leading to disharmony. So, we will take the time to explore our own stories and hear stories from perspectives other than ours as an initial and on-going step in this important gospel work.


In 2019 the Region 9 Bishops committed to do this work together in accompaniment with each other through the Region 9 Bishop’s Agreement. The Region 9 Bishops recently reaffirmed this commitment to accompany one another for the benefit of the leaders of the church, for those we minister to and with, and for all of our communities. All rostered ministers and synod authorized ministers are required to participate annually.


Information on educational opportunities for 2025 will be coming soon. If you are retired and not serving or if you have completed boundaries education with another organization, please click here.

When you need Basic Boundaries Education, here are your options:


Boundaries, Cultural Competency, & Inclusion Education Through United Lutheran Seminary

United Lutheran Seminary’s Kindling Faith program offers a number of options for boundaries education, cultural competency education, and inclusion education. Use the link below to see what offerings are available and to register.

When: See Link Bellow for Dates and Times

Modality: Online and In-Person

Registration Link:

Attendance: Share a copy of certificate of completion with the Virginia Synod by emailing Lenae Osmondson at:


Online-Other Institution ($)

When: varies

Modality: online, self-paced, in-person

Attendance: please send a copy of your certificate of completion to Lenae Osmondson at: so that it can be counted in the Virginia Synod’s system that you have participated in the boundaries event.

Safe Gatherings

Required Boundaries Education for Virginia Synod Rostered Ministers

The Virginia Synod’s Boundaries Education Policy and Sexual Misconduct Policy include a mandatory requirement, effective January 2020, that all rostered ministers participate in an updated and expanded three-year rotation for boundaries education (i.e. participation in boundaries education each year). Failure to attend such education will adversely impact the roster minister’s eligibility for future calls, interim appointments, pulpit supply, and/or other positions of pastoral/church leadership in a local congregation, related agency, institution, or the synod.

If you are retired and do not intend to actively serve in a public way (e.g., as a supply pastor, visitation pastor, Bible Study leader, assisting minister) in the life of the church, you must complete and sign this acknowledgment form if you have not already submitted the form.  The office only needs one form on file. If you feel called in the future to resume public service in the church, please contact the Synod Office.

Boundaries Education

The church should be a safe place where people can worship, learn, work, love, and receive care. As children of God and followers of Jesus, each of us is a part of the body of Christ and individually members of it. For the sake of God’s mission and ministry in and through the Virginia Synod, this Synod is committed to the formation of healthy leaders and to the nurturing of vital congregations.

Relationships are important for ministry. Healthy relationships depend upon clear and respectful boundaries. Rostered ministers, especially, need thoughtful and consistent training around boundaries because of the variety of their relationships. Boundaries are the understandings that help to provide safe spaces for ministry. Of particular importance are boundaries related to professional ethics, finances, use of social media, the prevention of sexual misconduct, boundaries concerning gender and harassment, and boundaries concerning racial justice.

Rooted in the gospel command to love God and to love our neighbor, this synod covenants to provide education and boundaries education for all rostered ministers.

Boundaries Violations

Boundary violations are considered misconduct. Misconduct occurs in a variety of categories. Three with which the church regularly deals are: Financial Misconduct, Sexual Misconduct, and Social Misconduct.

Explore each of these areas more in the tabs.

Financial misconduct involves embezzlement, fraud, misuse of funds, lack of internal controls, and conflicts of interest.

Harassment and Social Misconduct includes things such as racism, gender-based discrimination, physical and/or verbal abuse, derogatory language, macro- and micro-aggressions. The Virginia Synod takes this misconduct seriously and requires that all rostered ministers of this synod participate regularly in training which addresses not only sexual and financial misconduct, but also Racial Sensitivity and Gender-Based Sensitivity.

All forms of sexual misbehavior (Affairs, harassment, solicitation, sexual abuse) by clergy and lay leaders with church members are unacceptable within the life of the church. The church should be a safe place where people can worship, learn, work, love and receive care in a manner that is free from sexual misconduct.

Because the church is called to be a safe place, this synod intends to take whatever measures it can to help prevent sexual abuse and misconduct within the synod.

Boundaries Education Contacts and Resources

The Rev. Kelly Bayer Derrick
Assistant to the Bishop; contact for sexual misconduct and professional ethics
Phone: 540-389-1000

Lenae Osmondson
Assistant for Boundaries; contact with questions about registering for boundaries education
Phone: 757-622-9421